Facial Aesthetics Specialist
Weight Loss and Vitality
Medical Weight Loss & Cosmetic Surgery located in Alexandria, VA, Manassas, VA, Stafford, VA, Washington, DC & Gaithersburg, MD
Facial aesthetics refers to a comprehensive cosmetic plan designed to restore your skin’s youthful glow and remove any imperfections. The team at Weight Loss and Vitality in Manassas and Alexandria, Virginia; Gaithersburg, MD and Washington, DC, is committed to providing people with cutting-edge treatments and top-of-the-line skincare products, like ZO® Skin Health, to achieve the best results in as little time as possible. To get started on your facial aesthetic treatment, call or go online to book an appointment.
Facial Aesthetics Q & A
What are common facial aesthetics treatments?
During your appointment at Weight Loss and Vitality, your aesthetics specialist can recommend a series of treatments to meet your skin care goals, including:
- Photorejuvenation - fixes skin abnormalities through an intense pulsed light (IPL)
- Skin resurfacing - removes damaged layers of skin using laser technology
- Liquid facelift - uses dermal fillers and Botox® to plump up the skin and smooth wrinkles
- Chemical peels - stimulate your skin’s collagen production and eliminate damaged layers
- Dermaplaning - uses a scalpel to remove dead or dry skin manually
- Laser hair removal - to permanently remove unwanted hairs
While this list isn’t exhaustive, your specialist can recommend which combination will give you the best results.
What is Botox®?
Botox is an FDA-approved neurotoxin that temporarily smoothes out wrinkles and fine lines in your face.
During your appointment, your doctor injects Botox into the pre-discussed area to paralyze targeted muscles just under the surface of the skin. Botox prevents these muscles from contracting. In doing so, Botox works to prevent them from pulling your skin into fine lines and wrinkles around your eyes, on your forehead, and in-between your eyebrows.
Your doctor might also recommend Botox to treat hyperhidrosis, a condition in which your underarms sweat excessively.
What is Dysport®?
Dysport is a neurotoxin similar to Botox. Your specialist may recommend it to smoothen out mild to severe frown lines between your eyebrows. Your specialist can perform up to six injections above and between your eyebrows to stop muscle contractions.
What are dermal fillers?
Dermal fillers refer to a wide range of FDA-approved substances that specifically target elasticity and volume loss in the face.
Your aesthetics specialist at Weight Loss and Vitality can recommend dermal fillers to:
- Restore lip or cheek volume
- Recontour your facial features
- Soften creases
- Smooth skin folds, wrinkles, and fine lines
- Adjust areas of your nose, jawline, or chin
- Eliminate scars
The Weight Loss and Vitality team uses many different dermal filler products, and will discuss with you the best option based on your aesthetic goals. They might recommend any of the following.
- Juvéderm®
- Radiesse ®
- Restylane®
- Volbella®
- Voluma ®
Ask your doctor about the benefits and uses of the above products. Many dermal fillers use a synthetic form of hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance in your body that promotes vibrant, firm skin.
What is Pellevé®?
Pellevé refers to a noninvasive skin tightening treatment that uses radiofrequency waves to heat the deep layers of your skin. By using heat therapy, Pellevé stimulates your body’s natural collagen and elastin production, effectively helping your skin tighten, smoothen, and firm up.
Your specialist at Weight Loss and Vitality might recommend Pellevé to address:
- Wrinkles
- Fine lines
- Cellulite
- Milia
During your consultation, your specialist tells you how many Pellevé sessions you’ll need to meet your aesthetic goals. In most cases, you should start to see conclusive results after three sessions.
Facial aesthetics is crucial in getting you the look you’ve always wanted. Learn more by scheduling an appointment with the team at Weight Loss and Vitality today by phone or through the online booking tool.
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