Skin Resurfacing Specialist
Weight Loss and Vitality
Medical Weight Loss & Cosmetic Surgery located in Alexandria, VA, Manassas, VA, Stafford, VA, Washington, DC & Gaithersburg, MD
For skin that’s dull, sagging, or lackluster, consider skin resurfacing at Weight Loss and Vitality. The team offers a variety of customizable procedures for mild to extreme skin rejuvenation, so you can enjoy a bright, clearer, and tighter appearance to your skin. Located in Manassas and Alexandria, Virginia; Gaithersburg, MD and Washington, DC, the team offers unparalleled service and commitment to your goals for the best results possible. Schedule a consultation for skin resurfacing today by calling the office or booking a visit online.
Skin Resurfacing Q & A
What is skin resurfacing?
Skin resurfacing is any type of aesthetic procedure used to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and sun damage on your face and neck. Different types of skin resurfacing are available at Weight Loss and Vitality, including:
- Chemical peels
- Laser skin resurfacing
- Profractional Laser™
- CO2 Laser
- Photorejuvenation
- Sciton BBL
- Dermaplaning
- Dermal fillers, including Juvéderm® products with hyaluronic acid, Voluma, Volbella, Vollure, Restylane, Restylane Silk, Restylane Lyft, Restylane Refyne, Restylane Defyne, and Belotero.
- Injectable neurotoxins, like Botox®, Dysport®
The team works with you to determine which technique or procedure is best for you and your desired results. You may also want a milder or more invasive treatment, depending on the severity of aging or sun damage you have, so the team makes all options available to you to achieve your facial aesthetics goals.
How does skin resurfacing work?
Skin resurfacing works in different ways depending on which procedure you choose for your treatment. Injectables, like Juvéderm and Botox, introduce chemicals into your skin to either plump skin or prevent muscles from contracting to smooth your skin and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles immediately.
Chemical peels use a mix of products from ZO® Skin Health that helps the surface layers of old, faded skin shed to reveal bright, tight, fresh skin underneath within a week. Similarly, dermaplaning is another option to remove the outer layers of skin cells by hand using a tiny scalpel or abrasive material to scrape off dead skin.
Procedures like laser resurfacing and photorejuvenation utilize aesthetic lasers from Sciton® to gently warm cells in the deepest layers of your skin. Different laser options include the Sciton Profractional Laser™, Erbium™, BBL™, and CO2 which can be used safely for different skin tones and textures. The laser energy then triggers those cells to produce more collagen, resulting in improved elasticity and hydration in your skin from the inside out.
What are the benefits of skin resurfacing?
Since there are many skin resurfacing options available, the team works with you to assess your needs and develop a personalized approach to reach your goals. This may involve one or more resurfacing procedures over several weeks or months. The team can also combine procedures to treat different areas of your face and neck or address specific concerns in those areas, such as sun damage on the bridge of your nose and crow’s feet around your eyes.
Many skin resurfacing procedures also provide results right away, so you can notice changes in your skin within a week or even immediately after an injection procedure. Compared to over-the-counter resurfacing creams or lotions, these results are also more dramatic and long-lasting, even after your treatment has ended.
To find out which skin resurfacing procedure is right for you, book an appointment online or call Weight Loss and Vitality now.
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